Fairy Tales

Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist, they already know. Fairy Tales tell children dragons can be killed.


Making Melodies

Making Melodies

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Resistance

So I hate leaving this blog so empty, therefore I searched through my files and came up woth this poem I wrote several months ago, let me know what you think.

The Resistance

We seem so innocent
With our mortal bodies
And feet that tire easily
Hands with little strength
And a heart bound for death

But the damage we create
Is beyond any creature
Any monster, any beast.
This life that we live in,
A Hades, no longer confined to books
Is established all on our own
No one to blame but us

Name one name that doesnt pretend
We live in a worldly heaven
Even those who acknowledge evil
Concieve it like the others

Name one name who has not
Put pain in anothers heart
Whether intentional or not
We have all destroyed joy

Name one name who has not
Briskly hushed another
When they speak of hidden evils
The hidden Holocaust we call abortion
The lethal coping mechanism we know as drugs
Sharp Tongues
Excessive Pride

Dare I go on?
See what we have done?
It is not until you remove this blindfold
That we can alter this world.

One word, can move mountains.
One conversation can change the world.
So why do we ignore it?
Why do you pass on the responsibilty given to us at birth
Why do we not feel we are accountable to this place we live in,
Accountable to what we have done?

Life is easier in silence
We flow with the current
Unwilling to be the resistance
Refusing to be the one
Who was brave enough-
Strong enough-
To refuse to succomb to the world
Be the resistance
Create a resistance
Stand up and tell the people
"It's our life, it's our world"
Stop waiting for a miracle
And be the miracle
Be a leader
Be a guide
Set the trend
Be defiant
Pave a path
Be the resistance

By: Me :)


I can't say I have an intriguing story to tell or even a particular reason for writing this. Perhaps the most significant reason for beginning this was the fact that I have come down with a devilish virus and am running out of things to occupy my time. Playing guitar and watching criminal mind re-runs are only engaging for so long.
Considering this is my first blog I suppose it would make sense to tell you a little about myself? Im not a seemingly normal young lady, in fact there is absolutely nothing normal about me. I walk through the squishiest mud puddles, laugh at things that often make no sense at all and will smile at strangers simply because I believe everyone deserves a smile. I don't just hear music with my ears but I feel it with my heart. Nearly everyone will tell you they love music, but theres a difference between simply loving music, and loving music to a point where it consumes your life. Does music consume my life? Well almost, God always seems to trump any bit of significance in my life, but I can easily say that music brings me closer to God. As you probably guessed I play guitar but sadly an no great musician for i have only been playing since August of 2009. I work hard though and continue to improve with many wonderful teachers.
Like any normal teenager I attend school, though I am sure I do not belong in such a school, but maybe I was sent there to shake things up a bit, knock the world out of the "norm". I don't follow the fashion trends set by the simpletons of my school. I love to cook and bake, one day I hope to attend a culinary school. I ride horses when I have the time, sadly to say that is not often with how busy my life has become. I write when I feel like it, draw when something wonderful comes to mind, I sing when the music is so loud no one can hear my voice and I am always close at hand when a friend needs me. I tend to think a lot, often about physcology and why we think and act the way we do.
With all the many blog posted on this sight I do not expect that mine shall ever be noticed, so this is simply for me. To help me sort my thoughts and give those thoughts a place to go.

I bid any possible reader a marvelous day!