Fairy Tales

Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist, they already know. Fairy Tales tell children dragons can be killed.


Making Melodies

Making Melodies

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our Bridges

We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us with nothing but the memory of smoke and the presumtion that our eyes once watered.
~Tom Stoppard

I heard this quote and fell in love with it. I never wand to forget it, so here you go readers, the remarkable quote of the day! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Algebra II- the defintion on boredom

Remarkably enough I'm sitting in my school computer lab waiting for everyone else to finish their algebra II finals. I googled some information on Joshuafest and since myspace and facebook are restricted I now have nothing else to waste my time on. Fortunately for me blogspot is not restricted! In exactly 17 minutes I am out of school and free for the summer! So far this summer is shaping up to be remarkably fun, aside from the never ending drama brewing on the horizon. I don't think all the ninja training in the world could hide me from it. However as the years pass I get better and better at dealing with it, in fact I have come to the conclusion that I can handle drama better than my 30-somethin-year-old mother, ridiculous right? The way I see it if I can still walk around with a smile on my face things are going pretty darn good, and smiling I am. If you havent yet read the Summer Bucket List me and my friend created you ought to check it out! www.ourepicsummerbucketlist.blogspot.com
Thanks for listing to my random ramble as I fill time in this hell-hole. :)


Monday, June 7, 2010


Poison in the words.
Corruption in the knowledge.
Mutilation to logic.
Destruction to peace.

Eyes that can't speak.
Tongues silenced by evil.
Minds stained by blood.
Hands enslaved to evil.

Positive tests in trash cans.
Empty bottles under the bed.
Cigarette butts in the ash trash.
Tapes in the very back shelf.

Starvation in the lands over-seas.
Poverty in the cities alleys.
Genocide of the weak.
Epidemics for the poor.

And stupid.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Devils Chokehold

With its suffocating chokehold fear takes control of us, it takes the life we once knew and injects an impassable fear that we cannot possibly release ourselves from. We struggle and fight but it's impossible to overcome.
As we fight for our last breath a new hope arises. We know not what it is nor where is comes from but we cling to it. It's a last hope an only hope.
Suddenly the chokehold is softened and we gasp for air. With a new found strength we battle our fears disregarding an unseen assistance. We win.
Though it is after the victory that our true problems arise, in an eagerness to return to life as it is, we forget the hope we were given. We forget the very thing that saved us and it will remain forgotten until we once again fall into the devils chokehold.

I wrote this speaking of a chapter in my life. For nearly a year I fought though panic and anxiety attacks, I could easily write you novel about those in themselves but I do not have the time or even the willpower for such a dramatic feat. Just trust me when I say it's never something easy to survive. I survived because I had the assisstance of my Savior, but often that is something we take for granted. Never take His mercy or love forgranted, you will greatly regret it.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Thought

Today the pain I held in my heart almost stole my breath. It wasn't my pain but the pain of others, now taken as my own. Their fears, their secrets, their aching hearts and darkest emotions, it killed me. You told me not to care anymore, you said it would help me. I stopped to ponder this thought for a mere moment before casting it aside like worthless trash. Never could I stop caring, for if I did what is the value of my life? What am I to the world if I live for myself? These thoughts I've twirled through my head a dozen times, and where I stand on this subject I will forever stay. If more of us stepped up, if more of us lived for others, what kind of world would we live in? Think about it....


Today I watched her tears fall,
Because the bottle stole her dignity.

Yesterday I saw her blood drip,
To try and stop the nightmares.

Last week her face was burried in smoke,
So she couldn't see his face again.

Tomorrow I'll watch a dozen faces turn,
So they need not see reality.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Resistance

So I hate leaving this blog so empty, therefore I searched through my files and came up woth this poem I wrote several months ago, let me know what you think.

The Resistance

We seem so innocent
With our mortal bodies
And feet that tire easily
Hands with little strength
And a heart bound for death

But the damage we create
Is beyond any creature
Any monster, any beast.
This life that we live in,
A Hades, no longer confined to books
Is established all on our own
No one to blame but us

Name one name that doesnt pretend
We live in a worldly heaven
Even those who acknowledge evil
Concieve it like the others

Name one name who has not
Put pain in anothers heart
Whether intentional or not
We have all destroyed joy

Name one name who has not
Briskly hushed another
When they speak of hidden evils
The hidden Holocaust we call abortion
The lethal coping mechanism we know as drugs
Sharp Tongues
Excessive Pride

Dare I go on?
See what we have done?
It is not until you remove this blindfold
That we can alter this world.

One word, can move mountains.
One conversation can change the world.
So why do we ignore it?
Why do you pass on the responsibilty given to us at birth
Why do we not feel we are accountable to this place we live in,
Accountable to what we have done?

Life is easier in silence
We flow with the current
Unwilling to be the resistance
Refusing to be the one
Who was brave enough-
Strong enough-
To refuse to succomb to the world
Be the resistance
Create a resistance
Stand up and tell the people
"It's our life, it's our world"
Stop waiting for a miracle
And be the miracle
Be a leader
Be a guide
Set the trend
Be defiant
Pave a path
Be the resistance

By: Me :)